USR-G806 software Manual Technical Support: h.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited www.usriot.com43e.g.:send: AT+ PLANG =ENreturn:+ PLANG: ok4.14. AT+RELDFunction: recover the default settingAT+RELD+ RELD: oke.g.:send: AT+ RELDreturn:+ RELD:OK4.15. AT+ZFunction: restartAT+Z+REBOOT:OKe.g.:send: AT+Z=0return:+ Z:OK4.16. AT+DHCPENFunction: enable/unable DHCP serverAT+DHCPEN=SWITCH+ DHCPEN:oke.g.:send: AT+ DHCPEN=ONreturn:+ DHCPEN:ON4.17. AT+ LINUXCMPCMP : linux commandFunction: execute the Linux command and return the execution information.AT+ LINUXCMP=cmp+ LINUXCMP: resulte.g.:send: AT+ LINUXCMP=pwdreturn:+ LINUXCMP: /bin