Communicating with the CameraAn IP address is required to view the camera and modifysurveillance options. Once installed, locate the IP addressassigned by your router (which will differ from the defaultaddress below). Your router contains a DHCP table whichdisplays each connected device and its IP address. IPaddresses normally resemble or 192.168.1.xx.For further information, refer to the router’s documentation.The camera’s factory default options listed below may havechanged depending upon your router settings made by theCustom Professional who installed your camera.1. Enter the camera’s IP address into the web browser’saddress bar. URC recommends using Internet Explorerto view the live surveillance.2. The IP camera’s web interface opens. You now haveaccess to the Live View and Administration sectionsdescribed next.Page 4CAM-DC-I INDOOR NETWORK CAMERAFactory DefaultAdmin ID rootAdmin password rootIP address