18MEASUREMENTSmounting tHe sensorsDue to the small size of the microsensor tip and the steepnessof H2S gradients in many environments, even a few microns’displacement of the sensor tip may change its immediate H2Senvironment The sensor tip is quite flexible and can bend aroundphysical obstacles But coarse lateral movements of the sensorwhen its tip is in contact with a solid substrate may easily causethe tip to breakTherefore measurements should be performed only in a stabilizedset-up, fixed on a sturdy table free of moving or vibrating devicesWe recommend our lab stand (LS) and the micromanipulator(MM33 or MM33-2) for this purposeelectrical noiseThe signal of the microsensor is very small (10 -10 to 10-13 ampere)Although all our amplifiers and the H2S microsensors are veryresistant to electrical noise from the environment, electrical fieldsmay interfere with the sensor signal Therefore we recommendthat unnecessary electrical/mechanical equipment is switchedoff and that the sensor or wires are not touched duringmeasurements and signal recordingOn suspicion of sensor damage, repeat calibration and consult theTroubleshooting sectionpH influenceAs mentioned above, the H2S concentration is a function of pH Ifmeasurements of H2S are performed in points along a pH gradient,pH should be measured in the same points with a pH microsensor(e g pH-10, pH-25, or pH-100) to allow the determination of thetotal sulfide concentration Use the equations in the calibrationsection in order to calculate [S-2tot]WARNINGMeasurements ina light gradientshould be avoided,and interpretationof measurementsin a light gradientshould be madewith the lightinterference inmind.WARNINGAlways introduceand retract themicrosensoraxially using amicromanipulatorand a stable standwhen measuring insolid or semisolidsubstrate likesediment, tissue,biofilms, microbialmats etc.