Main Menu Configuration373.7.6. Hard DiskFigure 3.47. Hard Disk Setup Screen3.7.6.1. Hard Disk QuantityIt displays the quantity of Hard Disk installed at current DVR system. Writing ModeThis is to set up if the HDD will be over-written once or multiple during video recording. Possible setup contentis Once and Overwrite. If it's set up on Once, then the DVR records the data until the hard disk becomes full andthen stops recording. If it's set up as Overwrite and when the hard disk becomes full, then the DVR continuesrecording by overwriting the most old video data. Forced Deletion (until how many days)This is a forced deletion function to erase all previously recorded video data by force from the specific date savedon HDD. The dates subject to forced deletion is from 1 up to 100 days. If it's set OFF, then the foreced deletionis not in effect. For example, when it's set to 30, all the previous video data from the saved recorded data will bedeleted by force up to previous 30 days from today. Hard Disk3. Occupied statusIt displays the occupied status and total hard disk capacity status.Used Capacity (GB) / Total Capacity (GB) FormatThis menu is for HDD format. When the format confirmation window is displayed, if the user selects YES, theformat will be initiated, and if the user selects NO, the format will not be implemented. Once the format is executed,all HDD information will be erased with rebooting message popup displayed and then the system will start re-booting.