OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL MAX / MAX T- 22 -5.4 Lighting• check the correct connection of the 7-pin plug outputs before the first start,• check the lighting, plug, wiring and lamps every day,• check cleanliness of the reflector plates.5.5 Bolt, screw and nut tightening torques (Nm)Table 6.Strength class of boltsSize PitchP 6.8 8.8 10.9 12.91. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.M4 0,7 2,4 3,2 4,5 5,2M5 0,8 4,5 6 8,4 10M6 1 8 11 15 17M8 1,25 18 27 34 401 16 21 30 351,5 35 46 65 76M10 1,25 31 41 57 671 27 36 50 59M12 1,75 59 79 111 1291,25 49 65 91 107M14 2 92 124 174 2031,5 76 104 143 167M16 2 127 170 237 2771,5 104 139 196 228M18 2 194 258 363 4221,5 135 180 254 296M20 2,5 250 332 469 5461,5 172 229 322 375M22 2,5 307 415 584 6821,5 212 282 397 463M24 3 432 576 809 9422 322 430 603 706M27 3 640 740 1050 12502 480 552 783 933M30 3,5 755 1000 1450 17002 560 745 1080 1270M36 4 980 1290 1790 20202 730 960 1340 1500