The UAS Cyclone Dust Collector is usually mountedon a reinforced concrete foundation. Other mountingoptions are possible. Structuralcalculations for the foundation or other mountingarrangement must include the weight of the cyclone,the material collected and the weight of all auxiliaryequipment. These weights must be consideredtogether with wind, seismic and other live loadratings when designing the support structure. Seethe Specification Table on page 3 for dust collectorunit weights.Interconnecting ductwork (not provided with theCyclone Dust Collector) should be designed andproperly sized to handle the air volume at therecommended air velocities for the entrainment ofdust into the collection system. When installingductwork, use the shortest possible runs and large-radius elbows whenever possible. The shortest ductlength with a minimum number of elbows willmaximize the performance of the unit. Seal all joints.Follow ductwork design methods as listed in theIndustrial Ventilation Manual as recommended by theAmerican Conference of Governmental IndustrialHygienists. In the case of spark-producingprocesses, system design should incorporatemeasures to prevent live sparks from entering thedust collector. Consult local authorities for thelocation of the unit and any precautions to considerwhen collecting combustible, explosive or hazardousdusts. Review General Cautions listed on page 1.With any air-moving device, a certain amount ofnoise is created. Normally, the noise level is not ashigh as that of other machinery in the area. If yourequire an additional reduction in the noise level,exhaust silencers are available as optionalequipment. Noise levels must be taken intoconsideration as you plan the installation of yourequipment.4.3 ASSEMBLY OF STANDARDEQUIPMENTexamine the unit fan wheel. Make sure it movesfreely and is firmly in place. Re-tighten if necessary.Replace door after inspecting. Check that motormounts are secure.UAS Cyclone Dust Collectors are typically shipped inthree main assemblies:1. Upper barrel assembly - This section consists ofthe upper barrel and blower housing with motor.2. Cone weldment - The cone is usually inverted andmounted inside the base support stand.3. The base assembly - This consists of supportbase, legs, drum cover, hose and clamps. Theinlet and outlet pieces will also typically beshipped with the base assembly.DRUM SUPPORT STAND ASSEMBLYPlace the base assembly of the unit in its desiredlocation. Use shims under foot pads as needed tolevel unit. Once base is level, fasten down withproperly sized anchor bolts (see Figure 4).HOPPER SUPPORT STAND ASSEMBLYPlace the hopper base assembly in its desiredlocation. Use shims under foot pads as needed tolevel unit. Once base is level, fasten down withproperly sized anchor bolts.Shim and anchor the bottom section of the hopperfirst. Using the hardware provided, set the topsection of the hopper on the base section(see Figure 5).Before you begin, remove all crating, strapping andhold-down bolts. Locate all hardware bags, siliconesealant and other assembly materials provided withyour unit. Remove fan housing inspection door and! WARNINGUse adequate safety measures when lifting andassembling any heavy components. Consult yourplant safety personnel for recommendations.! CAUTIONNever lift cyclone by the motor. Do not rest blowerassembly on fan wheel. Use clevises (not hooks)on lifting sling. Use spreader bars on lifting sling.! WARNINGIn preparing to assemble the hopper to its matingsupport base, connect a lifting sling to at least fourpositions on the unit. Distribute the load evenly.Location must be clear of all obstructions such asutility lines or roof overhangs.Revised 06/07 C-SeriesCyclone Dust Collector6