25It is normal for cubes to appear cloudy. This is caused by air beingtrapped in the water due to fast freezing. It has nothing to do with thehealth, taste or chemical make-up of the water. It is the same air thatis in every glass of water you drink.To provide for higher ice rate (production of more cubes), adjust thetemperature control to a warmer setting. If hollow cubes result, adjusttemperature somewhat colder. For less cube production, adjust to acolder setting.The ice bucket must be fully inserted in the freezer section.The ice bin door must be fully closed.For frost free models: Do not place any objects over air inlet or outletin freezer section.For frost free models: Light frosting may occur in high humidity condi-tions or if the ice bucket is not pushed in completely.CHECKING TEMPERATURETo accurately check the tempera-ture, insert an accurate ther-mometer into a plastic (non-break-able) bottle, partially filled withwater. Tighten the bottle capsecurely (see Figure 37).Place the bottle in the desired areafor 24 hours. Refrain from openingthe unit during the testing period.After 24 hours, check the tempera-ture of the water. Adjust the controlknob if necessary and retest.Make adjustments in small increments and allow unit tostabilize for 24 hours before making further adjustments.UL320Figure 37