PAGE 1 OF 18 0521 IH-5275H-5275150 LBS. x .05 LB.PARCEL SCALE1-800-295-5510uline.comCONTROL FUNCTIONSBUTTONPRIMARY FUNCTION ARROWSHighlight itemson display.ENTERSelects item onscreen.MODE SELECTIONSelection of weighmodes.UNITSSwitch betweenunits .ZEROZero scale whenno weight is onplatter.OVERVIEW OF CONTROLSCONTROL PANELCONTROL PANEL PARTS# DESCRIPTION1 Gross Weight Indicator2 Units Indicator3 Keypad4 Mode Selection5 Units6 ZeroMax 150 lb Min 1.00 lb e=0.05 lbG 0.00 lbM >O<>O<12 34 5 6Para Español, vea páginas 7-12.Pour le français, consulter les pages 13-18.