7 CHECKING THE EQUIPMENT STATUS WITH TopAccess118 Error Codes2C44Creating a file was not allowed Creating an unencrypted file was not allowed.Configure the encryption settings and try again. Tocreate an unencrypted file, consult the administrator.2C45Failure in making meta data Make sure that the template setting is correct, and dothe scanning again. If the error still persists, turn thepower OFF and then back ON, and then try again.2C60HDD full failure during processing Reduce the number of pages of the problem job and tryagain. Check whether the server or local disk hassufficient space in its capacity.2C61Failure to read Address Book Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Try theproblem job again. Reset the data in the Address Bookand reattempt it. If the error still persists, contact yourservice representative.2C63 Terminal IP address unset Ask your administrator to set the IP address of theequipment.2C64 Terminal mail address unset Ask your administrator to set the Email address of theequipment.2C65, 2C66,2C69Failure to connect to SMTP server Make sure that the SMTP server is correctly working orthe SMTP server address has been set correctly.2C6AFailure to send Email message Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Try scanningagain. If the error still persists, contact your servicerepresentative.2C6BInvalid address specified in From: field Ask your administrator to check the SMTPAuthentication method or if there is an unpermittedcharacter in the Terminal mail address. Set the correctSMTP Authentication method or delete the unpermittedcharacter in the Terminal mail address.2C6CInvalid address specified in To: field Make sure that there is no unpermitted character in theDestination mail address. Delete any unpermittedcharacter and reset the appropriate Destination mailaddress, then try again.2C70 SMTP service is not available Ask your administrator whether the SMTP service isenabled.2C71SMTP authentication error Confirm that the login name and password are correct.If SSL is enabled, make sure that the SSL port numberis correctly set.2C72 POP Before SMTP error Confirm that the POP Before SMTP settings and POP3settings are correct.2CC0 Job canceled The job was canceled.2CC1 Power failure occurred Make sure that the power cable is connected properlyand is inserted securely. Resend the job.Save as File2D10, 2D12,2D13Wrong Job status Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Try it again. Ifthe error still persists, contact your servicerepresentative.2D11Not enough memory Wait for a while and try again. If the error still persists,turn the power OFF and then back ON, and makeanother effort.2D14Invalid parameter specified If you are using a template, create it again. If the errorstill persists, turn the power OFF and then back ON,and then try again.2D15 Exceeding maximum file capacity Divide the file into several files, or try again in a single-page format.2D30Failure to create directory Make sure that the access privilege to the storagedirectory is writable and also that the disk in thedirectory has enough space, and then try again. If morethan one job is performed simultaneously, the error mayoccur because the disk temporarily runs out of space. Inthis case, wait for a while and try again. If the error stillpersists, turn the power OFF and then back ON, andmake another effort.Error Code Problem Description Corrective Action