3 2Take the new Drum Unit fromits shipping carton.Match the colored parts in thelower area of the new DrumUnit with the same coloredparts in the lower area of theToner Cartridge.Attach the newDrum Unit to theToner Cartridge4Install the Process Unit alongthe Guide in the machine.Make sure the Process Unit isinside the machine as far as itwill go.NOTE:Pressing in the ProcessUnit forcibly could damagethe machine.CAUTION:Always hold the ProcessUnit by the green handle.Press up the Front Cover untilit clicks to attach securely.Close the FrontCover6Perform the following procedureto reset the Drum Unit counterafter you replace the DrumUnit.Press:MENU++++Reset the DrumCounter7Drum Unit Replacement - continuedNOTE:Keep in mind that the drumwarning does not disappearunless this operation is per-formed.Install the TonerCartridge and NewDrum Unit5Press:Press:Return to display the SETUPmenu screen.NOTE:You must reset the drumcounter when you replacethe Drum Unit.Never perform this operationon any other occasion.RESET DRUM COUNTARE YOU SURE ?Reset the DrumCounter - continued8Displayed for 2 seconds1.YESRESET DRUM COUNT2.NOCOMPLETED