Toshiba VoIP MOS Specification Sheet
VoIP Deployment: Getting StartedBefore you know how much a VoIP deployment will cost and howsuccessful it will be, you need to understand if your data networkcan carry high-quality voice transmissions. The odds are that anetwork upgrade will be needed to successfully deploy VoIP.Consider the facts: Most “router-based data networks are notready for successful voice deployment.” - Gartner GroupYour data network was originally designed to support emails,file transfers and deliver Web pages, not carry high quality voicetransmissions. Voice traffic is very time sensitive and can’t bequeued like email or Web traffic. Delays up to a half hour for anemail or file transfer are generally not a problem, but delays ofonly a few hundred milliseconds can ruin a VoIP call, producingchoppy conversations or dropped calls.To ensure your VoIP deployment is successful and on budget,you need to find answers to these important questions beforedeploying VoIP:n What type of VoIP MOS (Mean Opinion Score) call quality canI expect from my current data network for each business site?n Is network delay, loss or jitter the main problem impactingVoIP call quality, and how do I fix it?n How many concurrent VoIP calls can my network carry withoutimpacting existing data services?Knowing this information before deploying VoIP will ensure yoursuccess, but what is the most accurate and cost effective methodto obtain it?Toshiba’s VoIP AssessmentThe fastest and most cost effective way to determine yournetwork’s VoIP readiness is to conduct a Toshiba VoIPNetwork Assessment.The assessment quickly diagnoses the majority of your networkissues so that by the time you begin your VoIP deployment, youhave a converged network that will carry high-quality voicetransmissions.Organizations that skip this important deployment step experiencepoor call quality, dissatisfied users, upgrade cost overruns anddelayed deployments.Compare in Figure 1 the typical outcome of VoIP deployments thatinclude a VoIP Assessment vs. ones that skip this important step:withoutToshiba AssessmentVoIP Network AssessmentsSYSTEMAPPLICATIONS COLLABORATIONUNIFIEDCOMMUNICATIONSPRODUCTOVERVIEWCALLCENTERTOSHIBAOVERVIEWFigure 1 VoIP Deployment Comparison |
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