E658191345The operation frequency (frequency command value) of the inverters are calculated using the fol-lowing equations, with the received data in the following equation used as the data received fromthe master inverter when inverters are operated under the control of a master inverter (inter-drivecommunication), or with the received data in the following equation used as the data received fromthe computer when inverters are operated under the control of a computer (computer-linked opera-tion).10000FHsideSlave(%)datarecieveSlave)Hz(fc (Hz)Example: Unit:1=0.01HzMaximum frequency Operation frequency command valueMaster (Fc) 100.00Hz (10000) 50.00Hz (5000)Slave 1 90.00Hz (9000) 45.00Hz (4500)Slave 2 80.00Hz (8000) 40.00Hz (4000)%FHsideMasterfcsideMaster(%)fcdatasendMaster 50500010000100005000 ×: 10000Hz)Hz(fc:Slave 45450010000900050001 Hz)Hz(fc:Slave 4040001000080050002 0 If the “Frequency point selection” function is enabled (f810≠0)When inverters are operated under the control of a mater inverter, the operation frequency (fre-quency command value) of the slave inverters are calculated using the following equations.Just as the master inverter is calculated to the data, personal computer has to send the same data.frequencyintPointPo(%)commandMasterintPointPofrequencyintPofrequencyintPo)Hz(fc 111212 )+( Example: Units: Frequency unit 1 = 0.01Hz, Point setting unit 1 = 0.01%Maximumfrequency(fh)Point 1 set-ting(f811)Point 1 fre-quency(f812)Point 2 set-ting(f813)Point 2 fre-quency(f814)Frequency(Fc)Master (Fc) 100.00Hz(10000)- - - - 50.00Hz(5000)Slave 1 100.00Hz(10000)0.00%(0)0.00Hz(0)100.00%(10000)90.00Hz(9000)45.00Hz(4500)Slave 2 100.00Hz(10000)0.00%(0)0.0Hz(0)100.00%(10000)80.00Hz(8000)40.00Hz(4000)Data sent by the master inverter%FHsideMasterfcsideMaster(%)fc:datasendMaster 50500010000100005000 ×10000Results of conversions to point frequency (for the equation used, see above.)Hz)()Hz(fc:Slave 454500005000010000090001 +Hz)()Hz(fc:Slave 404000005000010000080002 +Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: www.clrwtr.com - Email: info@clrwtr.com