MAINTENANCE MANUAL[1] I. By referring to HOME setup methods [2] to [4], go to the REORG screen.[2] Press the “NEXT” key to call Page 2.S Y S T E M H O M E 3 H O M E 4( J 1 ) 1 1 8 3 4 6 8 – 1 1 8 0 4 7 4 [ d e g ]( J 2 ) 1 4 5 0 7 1 6 – 1 4 5 0 7 2 0 [ d e g ]( J 3 ) 1 2 3 9 0 9 2 – 3 6 7 1 1 [ m m ]( J 4 ) 0 0 [ d e g ]( J 5 ) 0 0 [ m m ]S E T T E A C H[3] Contact the axis 1 of the robot to the plus (+) side mechanical stopper byhand.[4] Move the cursor to (J1) of HOME3, then press the [SET] key. Toestablish, press the “EXE” key. Now, the machine home point of the axis 1 isrestored.[5] Likewise, contact the axis 2 of the robot to the plus (+) side mechanicalstopper by hand.[6] Move the cursor to (J2) of HOME3, then press the [SET] key. To establish,press the “EXE” key. Now, the machine home point of the axis 2 is restored.[7] Align Axis 4 with the zero point alignment mark. This operation will beperformed while holding down the Axis 3 Motor Brake Release switch.[8] Apply Axis 3 against the mechanical stopper on the positive side. Thisoperation will be performed while holding down the Axis 3 Motor BrakeRelease switch.[9] Move to the REORG screen again.[10] Move the cursor to (J4) of HOME3, press [SET], and then select with the“EXE” key. This reproduces Axis 4.[11] Move the cursor to (J3) of HOME3, then press the [SET] key. To establish,press the “EXE” key. Now, the machine home point of the axis 3 is restored.Soft key for memorizing the currentposition.The key is always protected.Soft key for updating the current position.The current position of an axis indicatedby the cursor is replaced by thememorized data.47