INSTALLATION-PERIPHERALSSECTION 100-816-207MARCH 19937-232) Connect the music source to the music ampli-fier input.3) Connect the paging amplifier outputs to PIOU(PGIN) relays K1 ~ K4 and zone A ~ zone Dspeakers (C).4) Connect the music amplifier (+) output toterminal 23 (PG COMMON) of the PIOU, andthe (–) output to the “C” terminal of zone A ~zone D speakers.5) Connect zone A ~ zone D speakers “A” termi-nal to the “PGOUT” contact of the PIOU relaysK1~ K4 respectively.5.16 DK16 Night Ringing over All External PageZones (PIOU only). To allow the night ringingsignal to be sent over zone paging, install thepaging amplifier in accordance with the followingsteps (refer to Figure 7-18). (Steps 2 ~ 6 areperformed at the MDF.)IMPORTANT NOTE: To night ring overselected PAGE zone, see Paragraph 9 of thissection.1) Connect the amplifier input via an RJ11 jack tothe J7 600 ohm Page RCA jack on the Baseunit. Or, direct connect J7 to Amp using astandard audio cable with RCA plugs.2) Cross-connect the amplifier output A to thePGIN1 ~ PGIN4 connector from the PIOU.3) Cross-connect the amplifier output B to thezone A ~ zone D speaker common line.4) Cross-connect the PIOU PGOUT1 ~ PGOUT4to zone A ~ zone D speakers (A).5) Cross-connect the amplifier output A to pin 9(NHR) of the PIOU.6) Cross-connect a jumper from pin 34 (NHT) topin 23 (PG COMMON) from the PIOU PCB.7) In Program 77-1, set LED 05 to OFF and 06to ON. Set LED 08 to ON if door phones are toring over external page when the system is inNIGHT mode.8) In Program 78, enable the CO lines that are toring via external page when the system is setin the NIGHT mode.9) In Program 39, assign the Night Transfer1 or Night Transfer 2 buttons to digital orelectronic telephones per the System RecordSheets (see Note 2).10) Press the Night Transfer 1 or NightTransfer 2 button on an electronic or digitaltelephone to set the system into the NIGHTmode. Test by calling into the system on a COline assigned (Program 78) to night ring overexternal page.• When ringing sounds (see Note 2) overthe page, press Intercom 5 3 5 toanswer.NOTES:1. All zones will ring with this option; nightringing to selected zones is not possible;see paragraph 9 for night ring over se-lected page zones.2. The Night Transfer 1or Night Trans-fer 2buttons put CO lines in NIGHT ringmode per Program 15; NT1-TENANT 1/NT2-TENANT 2 CO line assignment.6 DK8 AND DK16 STATION MESSAGEDETAIL RECORDING (SMDR) PRINTER/CALL ACCOUNTING DEVICE OPTIONS6.00 An SMDR printer or call accounting devicemay be connected to the system to provide a hard-copy record of station activity (incoming, outgoing,and transferred calls account code entries) on COlines or a printout of the customer data base. Callrecord data is printed out at the completion of eachcall. Program SMDR with Program 60, and useProgram 97 to have the SMDR printer display thecustomer data base.6.01 SMDR will send out special names for thefollowing types of calls:• MSS: Prints on DISA calls to stations (see Note).• MODM: Prints on calls to the IMDU remotemaintenance modem (station 619).• DISA: Prints on DISA calls to CO lines when