Pre-installationStep 4: Unpack Shipment12 Strata AirLink Installation Guide 5/00Cubicles, Walled Offices, and Conference RoomsAlthough the number of Base Stations inthis environment would depend on thenumber of handsets, the Base Stations arealigned with corridors to maximize the lineof sight (see Figure 12).Instead of placing both Base Stations closeto each other, place Base Station 1 near theconference rooms and entrance area toaccommodate greater potential traffic inthese areas.Step 4: Unpack Shipment1. Inspect all packages carefully and note any visible damage when the system first arrives. Ifany damage is found, do not open the packages. Contact the delivery carrier immediately andmake the proper claims.2. Unpack all of the packages.3. Be sure to retain the original packaging materials for re-use when storing or transporting thesystem components.Step 5: Check Equipment List1. Before installation, check the system components against the packing list and inspect allequipment for damage. If equipment is missing or damaged, contact the supplier immediately.2. Ensure that the following Toshiba-supplied equipment was delivered: BSIA or RWIU PCBs PC cable with DB9 or DB25 adapter (BSIA) RWIU Manager interface cable (6-pin connector) Power supplies Optional power supply for locally powered Base Stations Base Stations, handsets, and Charger Bases Strata AirLink Manager and RWIU Manager software (two floppy disks)2978MainEntranceCubicleAreaCubicleAreaConfConferenceerenceRoomsRoomsConferenceRoomsWalled Offices Walled OfficesBase Station 1Base Station 2Figure 12 Office Area with Cubicles and Walls