STEREO TURNTABLE| Drive System:uaeMotor:Platte F : .. as| Tone arm:| Cartridge: | aeType: — oe2 Speeds, 33- 1/3 and 45rem | aeWithin 2% (individual — oo8 control for 33- V3:anda8rom)Aluminum Die- cast,witStrobo- “scope 31.5 cm: - Static Balance TypeS-shaped Pipe Arm& Effective Length; 218 mmos ~ Overhang; 12 mm: eee Error Angle= - Stylus Force Direct-read: System — a“Beaae 4Headd Shell edStylus: Force Heres type 1PPo_— Antiskating SystemUsable Cartridge WeightBeesoe Range _ GS a : pe3.5 § Minimum:aMaaximumoy ee2(Dual magnet‘ypeOeooChe_SPECI FICATIONSmoede :oo oF eDC Servo. Motor8-1oe ull,automatic mechanisee ~ cueing |control devic2 automatic repeat een a- oe withmechanism, detachable hinges |