- 2-42 -2. MPEG CircuitPower is onDoes Logo appearon the screen?Does themoving picture of the DVD Discplay on the screennormally?Is MPEG data signal normal?Is error signal normal?Is MPEG data signal normal?Is Clock normal?Does the audiosound output from MPEGdecoder?Does themoving picture of the videoCD play on the screennormally?Does the audio soundoutput normally?ENDCheck power & clock.Check CD/DVD DSP outputsignal.Check MPEG Decoder inputsignal.Check CD/DVD DSP outputsignal.Check MPEG Decoder inputsignal.Check CD/DVD DSP outputsignal.Check MPEG Decoder inputsignal.Check clock signalCheck clock signalYESYESYESYES YESYESYESYESYESYESNONO NOOK OKOKOKNONONONONOVCD CHECK_