To navigate the Digital Media Server’ s on-screenmenus, use the arrow buttons on the remote to movethe highlight bar onto an option, then press SELECT.The LEFT arrow button often takes you to the previousscreen.SelectSelectArrow ButtonsTwo Types of On-Screen ArrowsThe On-Screen Menus and the Remote ControlThe arrows that appear beside or nearthe highlight bar show possibledirections. For example, on this screen,you could press the RIGHT arrow tohighlight Options or the DOWN arrow tohighlight “Edit Category WishList. ”Highlight BarArrows NearHighlight BarWhen you see page up orpage down arrows at thetop or bottom of the screen(or a list), press theCHAN/PAGE button to jumpan entire page at a time.Page UpArrowPage DownArrow CHAN/PAGEbuttonChanPageToshiba Digital Media Ser ver Viewer’s GuideViewer’s GuideSetting up your Toshiba Digital Media ServerEnjoying the TiVo ® service