Toshiba Electric Hot Pot (For household use)Instruction ManualModelPLK-25DL PLK-30DL PLK-25DLI PLK-30DLIPLK-25VE PLK-30VE PLK-25VEI PLK-30VEIPLK-25EL PLK-30EL PLK-25ELI PLK-30ELIPLK-25FL PLK-30FL PLK-25FLI PLK-30FLIPLK-25VF PLK-30VF PLK-25VFI PLK-30VFI[ Thank you for buying Toshiba electric hot pot today.[ The electric hot pot is used for boiling water only.To apply this product safely and properly, please readthe manual thoroughly and well understand before use.[ After reading, please keep the manual handy.NENL13710000000 (Cover) 24/3/08, 13:541