95Check codeLocationofdetectionDescription SystemstatusError detectioncondition(s) Check items (locations)MainremotecontrollerOutdoor 7-segment displayCheck code Sub-codeH16 H1601: TK1 oilcircuit error02: TK2 oilcircuit error03: TK3 oilcircuit error04: TK4 oilcircuit error05: TK5 oilcircuit errorI/F Oil leveldetectioncircuit errorAll stop No temperaturechange is detectedby TK1 despitecompressor 1 havingbeen started.• Check for disconnection of TK1 sensor.• Check resistance characteristics ofTK1 sensor.• Check for connection error involvingTK1, TK2, TK3, TK4, and TK5 sensors• Check for faulty operation in SV3E orSV3F valve.• Check for clogging in oil equalizingcircuit capillary and faulty operation incheck valve.• Check for refrigerant entrapment insidecompressor.No temperaturechange is detectedby TK2 despitecompressor 2 havingbeen started.• Check for disconnection of TK2 sensor.• Check resistance characteristics ofTK2 sensor.• Check for connection error involvingTK1, TK2, TK3, TK4, and TK5 sensors• Check for faulty operation in SV3E orSV3F valve.• Check for clogging in oil equalizingcircuit capillary and faulty operation incheck valve.• Check for refrigerant entrapment insidecompressor.No temperaturechange is detectedby TK3 despitecompressor 3 havingbeen started.• Check for disconnection of TK3 sensor.• Check resistance characteristics ofTK3 sensor.• Check for connection error involvingTK1, TK2, TK3, TK4, and TK5 sensors• Check for faulty operation in SV3E orSV3F valve.• Check for clogging in oil equalizingcircuit capillary and faulty operation incheck valve.• Check for refrigerant entrapment insidecompressor.No temperaturechange is detectedby TK4 despitecompressor havingbeen started.• Check for disconnection of TK4 sensor.• Check resistance characteristics ofTK4 sensor.• Check for connection error involvingTK1, TK2, TK3, TK4, and TK5 sensors• Check for faulty operation in SV3E orSV3F valve.• Check for clogging in oil equalizingcircuit capillary and faulty operation incheck valve.• Check for refrigerant entrapment insidecompressor.No temperaturechange is detectedby TK5 despitecompressor havingbeen started.• Check for disconnection of TK5 sensor.• Check resistance characteristics ofTK5 sensor.• Check for connection error involvingTK1, TK2, TK3, TK4, and TK5 sensors• Check for faulty operation in SV3Evalve.• Check for clogging in oil equalizingcircuit capillary and faulty operation incheck valve.• Check for refrigerant entrapment insidecompressor.H25 H25 –I/F TD3 sensormiswiring(incompleteinsertion)All stop Air dischargetemperature (TD3)does not increasedespite compressor3 being in operation.• Check installation of TD3 sensor.• Check connection of TD3 sensorconnector and wiring.• Check resistance characteristics ofTD3 sensor.• Check for defect in outdoor P.C. board(I/F).