OLG FLEXIBLE ACCESS CODE PROGRAMMING Service Assignment11-6 Installation Manual June, 2011Service Assignment 1. SIP trunk Channel Group = Channel Group tab number (Use theChannel group created above.)2. Service number = Row number (Enter the digit 1 for the firstassignment. Increment for each new assignment.)3. Service Definition Index = Value create in service definitions tab.Service URI The SIP URI is the Telephone Number (TN) from the SIP trunk provider.1. Click on the New icon.2. Service Definition Index: The service index that defines the SIPprovider. This is the number assigned in the “Service Definition” onpage 11-5.3. SIP URI Number: This is the TN of the URI, typically this is the sameas the CLID.4. SIP URI User Name: Refer to your SIP Trunk provider.5. SIP URI password: Refer to your SIP Trunk provider.6. SIP URI Channel Group enter the SIP Trunk Channel Group numbercreated in “Creating the Channel Group” on page 11-5.7. SIP URI Attribution: Typically the value is MAIN. If your SIP Trunkprovider registers only the Primary number set the remainingnumbers to SUB. When SUB is used the URI number cannot be usedas the Calling Number.Important! If a SIP URI (TN) is entered into more than one ServiceDefinition Index certain system features may not functionas expected. When processing a SIP call the systemsearches for the URI until the first match is found. If aURI is recorded in two Service Definition Indexes,assigned to two ILGs the SMDR records will only showthe calls in one ILG.The configuration is complete.