— 20 —7. The voice of the caller cannot be heard (incoming call).Can the base and handset beconnected?See 3. The base and handsetcannot be connected.OKNGThe 1 kHz, -15dBm sinewaveform is applied to TEL-line of the base, can the 1 kHzsine waveform from the Q3collector be fed?Check the base TEL-linecircuit and REPLAY controlcircuit.NGCheck whether there is the1 kHz sine wavefor m atpin 24 of IC1.Check Q11 and its peripheralcircuit.NGOKOKCheck whether there is the1 kHz sine wavefor m atpin 20 of IC1.Check IC1 and its peripheralcircuit.NGOKTX output signal from thebase is detected by the linerdetector, can the 1 kHz sinewaveform be fed?Check base RF unit.NGOKCheck whether there is the1 kHz sine waveform at pin 9of IC601 on the handset unit.Check IC601, Q601 andtheir peripheral circuit.NGOKCheck whether there is the1 kHz sine waveform at pin 3of IC603.Check RT602, Q602 andtheir peripheral circuits.NGOKCheck whether there is the1 kHz sine waveform at thepin 18 of IC603.Check IC603 and itsperipheral circuit.NGOKCheck whether there is the1 kHz sine waveform at pin1, 2 of SP801.Check Q605, Q606 and itsperipheral circuit.NGOKCheck SP801 and W801,W802.Check handset RF unit.NGOKCheck whether there is the1 kHz sine wavefor m at“MOD” RF unit.Check RT3 and itsperipheral circuit.NGOK