2.TopAccess[Administration] Tab 11TopAccess5 NetBIOS Name Enter the NetBIOS name of this equipment. The equipment uses “MFPSerial Number>” as the default NetBIOS name.You can enter only alphanumerical characters and “-” (a hyphen) for NetBIOS names. If you use any othercharacters, a warning message will be displayed.6 Logon Enter the workgroup or domain that this equipment joins. Workgroup — To include the equipment in the workgroup, enter theworkgroup name. All client computers can access this equipment without auser name and password. Domain — Select this and enter the domain name when the equipment willlog on in the domain. Any client computers which are not members of thedomain will need a valid user name and password to access thisequipment. Use this to enhance access security to this equipment.For workgroup and domain names, you can use only alphanumerical characters and symbols other than thefollowing:; : " < > + = \ | ? , * #If you use any other characters, a warning message will be displayed.7 Primary Domain Controller Specify the server name or IP address of the primary domain controller whenthis equipment will log on the domain network. You can enter up to 128alphanumerical characters and symbols other than =, ; (semicolon), #, and \(backslash).8 Backup Domain Controller Specify the server name or IP address of the backup domain controller whenthis equipment will log on the domain network, if required. If the PrimaryDomain Controller is unavailable, the Backup Domain Controller will be usedto log on. You can enter up to 128 alphanumerical characters and symbolsother than =, ; (semicolon), #, and \ (backslash).If the wrong primary or backup domain controller is specified, the NETWORK INITIALIZING message will bedisplayed for up to 4 minutes while the equipment searches for the primary or backup domain controller. Inthat case, correct the primary or backup domain controller setting after the NETWORK INITIALIZING messagedisappears.9 Logon User Name Enter a valid user name to log on to the specified domain. You can enter up to128 alphanumerical characters and symbols other than " / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < >.10 Password Enter the password for the specified log on user name to log on the domainnetwork. You can enter up to 128 alphanumerical characters.11 Primary WINS Server Specify the IP address of the primary WINS server when the WINS server isused to provide the NetBIOS name in your local area network. This optionwould be more useful to access this equipment using the NetBIOS Name froma different subnet.When the [Obtain a WINS Server Address automatically] option is enabled in the TCP/IP settings, the primaryand secondary WINS server address can be obtained using the DHCP server.Item name Description