57ENIntroduction Connections Playback Editing OthersFunction SetupRecording VCR FunctionsBasic Setup /TV View OperationYou can edit the title names from this menu.The title names you edit will appear on the title list.Press [DVD] first.1 In stop mode, press [TOP MENU].“Title List” will appear.For VR mode DVD-RW disc, press [DISC MENU] toswitch between “Original” and “Playlist”.2 Select the desired title with [K \ L \ { \ B],then press [ENTER\OK].Pop up window will appear.3 Select “Edit” with [K \ L], then press[ENTER\OK].Edit menu will appear.4 Select “Edit Title Name” using [K \ L], thenpress [ENTER\OK].A window for entering the title name will appear.5 To enter the title name, refer to “Guide toEditing Title Names” on this page.When you finish entering the title name, press[ENTER\OK].6 Select “Yes” using [K \ L], then press[ENTER\OK].The name you edited becomes the title.7 Press [RETURN/BACK] repeatedly to exit.Writing onto the disc starts.It may take awhile to write the data on a disc.• Characters set will be changed to the “@!?” automatically ifyou press [1] after you selected the “ABC” or “abc” mode.Note• To delete letters, press [CLEAR] repeatedly. Press and hold[CLEAR] to delete all letters.• Press [{ \ B] to move the cursor to the left or right.• You can enter up to 30 letters.• Unrecognisable characters will be replaced with asterisks(*). If you delete them, adjoining characters may change toasterisks (*) or other.You can add chapter marks to a title. After a title is markedwith chapters, you can use the chapter search feature.You can set a chapter mark anywhere you want.Press [DVD] first.1 Follow the steps 1 to 3 in “Editing Title Name”on this page.2 Select “Chapter Mark” using [K \ L], then press[ENTER\OK].3 Use [SKIP H \ G], [REV E], [FWD D],[PLAY B] and [PAUSE F] to find where youwant to create a new chapter mark.Or, use [SKIP H \ G] to find a chapter markthat you want to delete.4 Select “Add” or “Delete” accordingly using[K \ L], then press [ENTER\OK].You cannot delete the first chapter of a title.Editing Title NameDVD-RWDVD-RWDVD-RWVideoDVD-RWDVD-RWDVD-RWVRDVD-RDVD-RDVD-R DVD+RWDVD+RWDVD+RW DVD+RDVD+RDVD+RA B Ca b c1 2 3@ ! ?0:00:593/03/09 18:00 22 SP2ORG1Edit Edit Title NameGuide to Editing Title NamesStep 1 : Select the desired character set using [K \ L], thenpress [ENTER\OK].Step 2 : Using the list below as a guide, press[the Number buttons] repeatedly until the desiredletter appears.Adding or Deleting Chapter MarkersManuallyABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz! ” # $ % & ’ ( )∗ + , - . / : ; < = >? @ [ ] ^ _ { | }2345678901ABC abc @ ! ?123– –––––––––PressSelect DVD-RWDVD-RWDVD-RWVRDVD+RWDVD+RWDVD+RW DVD+RDVD+RDVD+R