43PlaybackRecording Editing Function setup OthersIntroduction Library1:00pm 1:54pm1:20pm20 minutesextendTime Shift2:14pmShifting a time period of a recording (TimeShift)If a prior TV program extends beyond its scheduledtime and into one that you programmed, you can shiftthe programmed start and end time of the recording.1) Press REC MENU.The REC MENU appears.2) Press / to select a timer program you wantto shift the time period.3) Open the lid of the remote control and pressEXTEND.“Start time” and “End time” are ready to be input.4) Press EXTEND repeatedly.Each time you press the button, “Start time” and“End time” is shifted in 10 minutes intervals to, upto 60 minutes later.5) Press ENTER.6) Press REC MENU to exit.Note• After you shifted the time of a timer program which will berepeated daily or weekly, you should restore the originalstart/stop time for future recordings.Adding a timer program1) Press REC MENU.The REC MENU appears.2) Press to select a blank line, then pressENTER.3) Press / to select the item, then pressADJUST to set the item.4) When complete, press ENTER.5) Press REC MENU to exit.Note• While the recorder is preparing for or executing aprogrammed recording, you cannot add a timer programwhich will start within 5 minutes and 15 seconds from thecurrent time.Deleting a timer program1) Press REC MENU.The REC MENU appears.2) Press / to select a timer program you wantto delete.3) Press QUICK MENU.The Quick Menu appears.4) Press / to select “Program cancel”, thenpress ENTER.Check the message, then delete the entry.5) Press REC MENU to exit.Note• You cannot delete a timer program while another isexecuted.Correcting a timer program1) Press REC MENU.The REC MENU appears.2) Press / to select a timer program you wantto change, then press ENTER.3) Press / to select an item, then pressADJUST to set the item.4) Press ENTER.The modification is registered.5) Press REC MENU to exit.Important• You cannot correct a timer program within 5 minutes beforethe recording start time. You can only delete the timerprogram.Note• You can program a timer recording whose start time hasalready passed, unless the another program recording willstart within 5 minutes. The portion of the program beforethe recording starts cannot be saved.e.g.