Copyright © 2013 ToshibaOther ways to manage files on your CANVIO® HOME4610 Click Finish. Your CANVIO HOME public share now appears as a folder under your computer icon in Windows Exploreror the Finder. The folder name is Public (\[CANVIO HOME IP address]).Manage files from your CANVIO® HOME as a network storage deviceYou can work with the CANVIO HOME Public folder in the same way as any other folder on your computer: create subfolders,drag and drop folders and files, and so on. Any files you move into your Public folder are available to other CANVIO HOMEusers on your network.Set up a private share on your CANVIO® HOME as a network storage deviceFor information on private shares, see “Work with shares” on page 34.To create a private share when you are using your CANVIO HOME as a network storage device, you open the advancedsettings in a web browser.1 In Windows Explorer (Windows) or the Finder (Mac), click Network.2 Under Storage, right-click the CANVIO HOME icon, and click View device webpage. A web browser opensshowing the advanced settings login screen.3 Log in to the advanced settings using your CANVIO HOME username and password.4 Click Storage in the left panel, and then click the Shares tab.5 Click to add a new share.6 Enter the share information and click Submit.Use the Shares tab on the Storage panel in advanced settings to edit or delete your personal shares also,.Add users to a private share on your CANVIO® HOME as a network storage deviceIf you want other people on your network to have access to a private share you create, you need to add them as users and givethem access to the share.1 While in the advanced settings, click Access in the left panel. (To access the advanced settings, follow steps 1–4 in“Set up a private share on your CANVIO® HOME as a network storage device” on page 46.)2 Click the Users tab, and then click .3 Enter the user information and click Submit.4 To assign the user permission to the share, do the following:v Click the Share Permission tab.v Click the share name, and then click .v Click the Users tab, and then click the user to whom you want to give permission to the share.v Click the arrow to the right of the list, and click the permission level.v Click Submit.Use the Users tab on the Access panel in advanced settings to edit user info or delete users. Use the Share Permission tab tomodify user permission settings to a private share.Use Windows Explorer/Finder to preserve your folder structure for uploaded filesThe CANVIO HOME upload function provides a streamlined way to copy files from your computer so that you can easily sharethem with others on your network. However, if you have organized your files in a certain way, you can use Windows Explorer(Windows) or the Finder (Mac) to drag and drop folders and files onto the CANVIO HOME Public folder, the same way youwould with any folder. Simply locate the Public folder in Windows Explorer or the Finder, and drag and drop as usual. Yourfiles still appear in the CANVIO HOME software as if you uploaded them directly. So, for example, any photos you upload bydrag-and-drop appear under Photos along with any you upload using the software.To see the folder structure, click the Files icon and click Public. You see the folder structure for any files you uploadedby drag-and-drop. Files you uploaded using the software appear directly under their file type folder (Music, Video, Photo, orOther).NOTENOTE