2We take great care in manufacturingour products and pride ourselves on ourquality. That’s why we believe in providinghigh levels of customer care, service andafter sales support.Click on to our website:www.toshiba.co.ukHere you will find all the informationyou need to help you choose a Toshibaproduct, including a product comparisontool, latest award winners and in-storeoffers. You can also download brochuresand user manuals, find your neareststockist or register a new product.Home entertainment products areaccessories designed to complementand enhance your environment, bothpassively and interactively. They aretools with which you can define yourpersonality and express your individuality.They may be dominant or discreet,blatantly stimulating or subtly enhancing.Our range reflects this, with a wideselection of screen shapes and sizes,from impressive flat panel displays tocompact TV combinations, from versatileDVD recorders to dynamic portablemusic players. Whatever you choose,Toshiba’s experience will ensure thatyou enjoy a superb performance andtruly memorable home entertainment.Toshiba is a global company withexpertise in a wide variety of fields.From televisions to laptop computers,X-ray machines and ultrasoundscanners to air traffic control systemsand pioneering mobile communications,Toshiba technology is all around you.This unrivalled pedigree ensures thatToshiba products will continue toexceed expectations and set newstandards in an increasingly complexand competitive world.We don’t just care about how ourproducts fit into an individual’s homeenvironment, we are also committedto wider environmental concerns suchas recycling. Every product we makeis subject to an eco-efficiency calculationthat balances a product’s value againstthe various environmental impacts of itslifecycle. We are taking a proactive rolein the development of the EuropeanUnion’s directives for the recycling ofwaste electrical and electronicequipment (WEEE) and Restrictionof Hazardous Substances (RoHS).Even our product brochures areproduced using paper from asustainable resource, paper that canbe recycled at the end of its use.Where this symbol appears onour product it should not betreated as household waste.By ensuring this product isdisposed of correctly, you will helpprevent potential negative consequencesfor the environment and human health.For more detailed information aboutrecycling this product, please contactToshiba, your local household wastedisposal service or the shop where youpurchased the product.contact usToshiba home entertainment is an incredible experience where soundand images combine to stimulate your senses.true experienceP R O D U C T S P E C I F I C AT I O N S39All details correct at time of going to press. Product design and specification subject to change or modification without notice.Notes