Toshiba COLORSTREAM HD 26HLC56 Owner's Manual
Also see for 32HLC56 - 32" LCD Flat Panel Display: Owner's manualService manual
LimitedUnitedStatesWarrantyfor LCD Monitors 26" and LargerToshibaAmericaConsumer Products, L.L.C.("TACP")makesthefollowing limited warrantiesto original consumers in the United States.THESELIMITEDWARRANTIESEXTENDTO THE ORIGINALCONSUMERPURCHASEROR ANY PERSON RECEIVINGTHIS LCDMONITORAS A GIFT FROM THE ORIGINALCONSUMERPURCHASERAND TO NO OTHER PURCHASEROR TRANSFEREE.LCD MONITORSPURCHASEDIN THE U.S.A.AND USEDANYWHEREOUTSIDEOF THE U.S.A., INCLUDING,WITHOUTLIMITATION,CANADAAND MEXICO,ARE NOT COVEREDBY THESEWARRANTIES.LCD MONITORSPURCHASEDANYWHEREOUTSIDEOF THE U.S.A.,INCLUDING,WITHOUTLIMITATION,CANADAAND MEXICO,ANDUSEDIN THE U.S.A.,ARE NOTCOVEREDBY THESEWARRANTIES.LimitedOne (1) Year Warrantyon Parts and LaborTACPwarrantsthis LCD Monitorand its parts against defects in materialsor workmanshipfor a periodof one(1) yearafter the date of original retailpurchase. DURINGTHIS PERIOD,TACP WILL, AT TACP'SOPTION,REPAIROR REPLACEA DEFECTIVEPARTWITH A NEW ORREFURBISHEDPARTWITHOUTCHARGETO YOU FOR PARTS ORLABOR.Duringthis period,TACPAuthorizedService Station personnelwill come to your home when warranty serviceis required. Dependingonthe type of repair required, the servicewill either be performed in yourhome or the LCD Monitorwill be taken to a TACPAuthorizedServiceStationfor repair and returnedto your home at no cost to you.RentalUnitsThe warrantyfor LCD Monitor rental units begins on the date of the firstrental or thirty (30)days after the date of shipmentto the rentalfirm,whichever comesfirst.Limited Warranty for Commercial UnitsTACP warrants LCD Monitors that are sold and used for commercialpurposes as follows: all parts are warranted against defects in materialsor workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days after the date of originalretail purchase. DURING THIS PERIOD, TACP WILL, AT TACP'SOPTION, REPAIR OR REPLACE A DEFECTIVE PART WITH A NEW ORREFURBISHED PART WITHOUT CHARGE TO YOU.Owner's Manual and Product Registration CardRead this owner's manual thoroughly before operating this LCD Monitor.Complete and mail the enclosed product registration card or register yourLCD Monitor online at as soon aspossible. By registering your LCD Monitor you will enable TACP to bringyou new products specifically designed to meet your needs and help usto contact you in the unlikely event a safety notification is required underthe U.S. Consumer Product Safety Act. Failure to complete andreturn the product registration card does not diminish yourwarranty rights.Your ResponsibilityTHE ABOVE WARRANTIES ARE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWINGCONDITIONS:(1) You must retain your original bill of sale or provide other proof ofpurchase.(2) All warranty servicing of this LCD Monitor must be performed by anAuthorized TACP Service Station.(3) The warranties from TACP are effective only if this LOD Monitor ispurchased and operated in the Continental U.S.A. or Puerto Rico.(4) Labor service charges for set installation, setup, adjustment ofcustomer controls, and installation or repair of antenna systems arenot covered by this warranty. Reception problems caused byinadequate antenna systems, misaligned satellite dishes, cabletelevision distribution, VCRs, DVD players/recorders, personalcomputer level IEEE-1394 devices, and any other connected signalsource device are your responsibility.(5) Warranties extend only to defects in materials or workmanship aslimited above, and do not extend to any LCD Monitor or parts thathave been lost or discarded by you or to damage to the LCD Monitoror parts caused by fires, misuse, accident, Acts of God (such aslightning or fluctuations in electric power), improper installation,improper maintenance, or use in violation of instructions furnished byTACP; use or malfunction through simultaneous use of this LCDMonitor and connected equipment; or to units that have beenmodified or had the serial number removed, altered, defaced, orrendered illegible.How to Obtain Warranty ServiceIf, after following all of the operating instructions in this manual andreviewing the section entitled "Troubleshooting," you find that service isneeded:(1) To find the nearest TACP Authorized Service Station, visit TACP'swebsite at or contact TACP'sConsumer Solution Center toll free at 1-800-575-5469.(2) You must present your original bill of sale or other proof of purchaseto the TACP Authorized Service Station.For additional information, visit TACP's WARRANTIESIMPLIEDBY THE LAWOF ANY STATEOF THEU.S.A.,INCLUDINGTHE IMPLIEDWARRANTIESOFMERCHANTABILITYAND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE,ARE EXPRESSLYLIMITEDTO THE DURATIONOF THE LIMITEDWARRANTIESSET FORTHABOVE.WITH THE EXCEPTIONOF ANYWARRANTIESIMPLIEDBY THE LAW OF ANY STATE OF THE U.S.A.AS HEREBYLIMITED,THE FOREGOINGWARRANTYIS EXCLUSIVEAND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,GUARANTEES,AGREEMENTS,AND SIMILAROBLIGATIONSOF TACP WITHRESPECTTO THE REPAIROR REPLACEMENTOF ANY PARTS.IN NOEVENTSHALLTACP BE LIABLE FORCONSEQUENTIALORINCIDENTALDAMAGES (INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITEDTO, LOSTPROFITS,BUSINESSINTERRUPTION,OR MODIFICATIONORERASUREOF RECORDEDDATA CAUSEDBY USE, MISUSEORINABILITYTO USETHIS LCD MONITOR).Noperson,agent,distributor,dealer,or companyisauthorizedto change,modify,or extendthe terms ofthese warrantiesinany mannerwhatsoever.The time within which an action must be commenced to enforce anyobligation of TACParising underthe warrantyor under any statuteor lawof the United States or any state thereof is herebylimited to ninety (90)days from the date you discover, or should havediscovered, the defect.This limitationdoes not apply to impliedwarranties arising under the lawof any state of the U.S.A.THIS WARRANTYGIVESYOU SPECIFIC LEGALRIGHTSAND YOUMAYALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTSWHICH MAYVARY FROM STATETO STATEIN THE U.S.A. SOME STATES OF THE U.S.A. DO NOTALLOW LIMITATIONSON THE DURATIONOF AN IMPLIEDWARRANTY,WHEN AN ACTION MAY BE BROUGHT,OR THEEXCLUSIONOR LIMITATIONOF INCIDENTALOR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES.THEREFORE,THE ABOVEPROVISIONSMAYNOTAPPLYTO YOU UNDERSUCH CIRCUMSTANCES.43 |
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