WORKS WITHalexaTOSHIBASmart Air PurifierQuick Set-Up GuideWORKS WITHalexa1. Download the Alexa AppGo to the appstoreor scantheQR codeto downloadtheAlexaapp.2. Plug in your air purifier and follow instruction in the Alexa appIn theAlexaapp,tapthe DEVICEiconin thelowerright.Next,tapthe iconin thetopright corner to add the device. Select"Air Purifier"from the list of devices that appears.Select"Toshiba->Other".Followthe on-screeninstructionsto set upyourair purifier.3. Try out remote commandsPluginyour airpurifierandpresson/offbutton.Wi-Fi light must be on green to use remote commands.4. Try using phrases with your new air purifier"Alexa,turnonToshibaair purifier"OR"Alexa,set Toshibaairpurifierspeedto high"Note:Youcanalsoupdatethe devicenameinthe AlexaFor more remote commands and useful information,visit the air purifier setting page in the Alexa app.For moreremotecommandsand usefulinformation,visitthe airpurifiersettingpagein theAlexaapp.Create RoutinesWant to create a schedule for your air purifier, use at a certain time or even set specificmode whenyou say a phrase of your choosing?:(1)Pluginyour airpurifierandpresson/offbutton(2)WhenWi-Filightis ongreen,go to yourAlexaApp andchooseROUTINESfromtheupperleftmenu.(3)Createa newROUTINEby tappingonthissymbol:Tips:Air Purifier must be connected to Wi-Fifor Alexa Routines.Checkif the on-device Wi-Filight is to confirmros