55 / 80Copyright © 2016 – 2019 Toshiba Teli Corporation, All rights reserved. http://www.toshiba-teli.co.jp/en/index.htmD4256843DxB- Set the UserOutput signalSet the following value to “UserOutputValueAll” register. Setting value is Integer type.Each bit corresponds to each Line (bit0=Line0, bit1=Line1, bit2=Line2).Line1 and Line2 are available. Line0 is dedicated input.UserOutputValueAll Function0 (*) Low level output1 High level output* initial factory setting- Select the polarity of each signalSet the following value to “LineInverterAll” register. The setting value is Integer type.Each bit corresponds to each Line. All Lines are settable.Inverter is also inserted to UserOutputValue.LineInverterAll Function0 (*) non inverted1 inverted* initial factory settingTimer0ActiveUserOutputExposureActiveFrameTransferFrameActiveFrameTriggerWaitInternal TriggerTimerControlUserOutputValueAll[2]Line0UserOutputLineSourceLineInverterAllUserOutputValueAll[1]LineModeAllInternal Trigger(GPIO_Input)Line2(GPIO_Input/Output)Line1(GPIO_Output)TriggerSourceGPIO internal circuit diagram● NoteThe units of ExposureActive period is 15.7 usec. Then, the ExposureActive period may not correspond tothe setting of ExposureTime.About the details of Timer0Active signal, refer to “TimerControl” of "Functions".