8 TOSHIBA ATAPI CD-ROM DriveTest Switches (T0, T1)The leftmost two switches (a pair of pins makes one switch) are used during testing only.These switches should always be OFF. The default setting for these switches is OFF.Eject Suppression Switch (PRV/ALW)The rightmost switch is used to inhibit the operation of the drive’s EJECT button. Whenthis switch is set to ON, the EJECT button operates normally, opening the CD-ROMtray. When the switch is OFF, the EJECT button cannot be used to open the drive. Thedefault setting for this switch is ON.Master / Slave SwitchThese switches are used to set the configuration mode for the drive:Only one jumper should ever be fitted to this switch block. A computer whichcommunicates with its disk drives using an IDE controller may use two cables; theprimary cable and the secondary cable. Each cable may carry up to two drives; oneconfigured as a master drive and the other configured as a slave drive. The drives may beeither IDE hard disk drives or other IDE devices (in this case an ATAPI CD-ROMdrive):The following table shows the recommended configurations. Check which configurationyour computer uses and set the configuration jumper on the drive accordingly. Refer toMasterSlaveCSELHostSlaveMasterSlaveMasterPrimary cableSecondary cable