EZwebYou can access EZweb from the Top menu. A variety of useful and fun sitesare available on EZweb.Viewing SitesTop Menuau styleau campaign information and recommendedsitesUseful and fun sites for cell phone usersEZサービスで探すSearch engine for specific EZ services1 カテゴリで探すSite search by category2 ビジネス&ニュースHot news, weather, etc.3 エリアTravel information, residential area information4 ホビー&カルチャーMusic, games, and other information news5 ショッピングCell phone shopping information6 ライフUseful information for daily living7 キーワードで探すSet search by keyword8 料金・申込・インフォInformation about charges, various apply, andthe au online manualEnglishEnglish sites