1 1 6 Advanced featuresSetting up the Networ4 Press the A/V (arrow) buttons to select Network Name, and thenpress the OK button.The Software Keyboard window appears.5 Input the Network Name using the Software Keyboard. For moreinformation, see "Using the software keyboard" on page 121.6 To save your settings, press the GREEN button.7 Press the A/V (arrow) buttons to select Authentication and pressthe OK button.Press the A/V (arrow) buttons to select Open System, SharedKey, WPA-PSK, or WPA2- PSK.8 Press the A/V (arrow) buttons to select Encryption and press theOK button.Press the A/V (arrow) buttons to select None, WEP, TKIP, orAES.NOTE Certainencryptiontypesareonlycompatiblewith specificauthenticationtypes.•*,o WhenAuthenticationis OpenSystemandSharedKey,onlyWEPorNonearecompatible.•*,o WhenAuthenticationis WPA-PSKor WPA2-PSK,onlyTKIPor AESarecompatible.WhenincompatibleAuthentication/Encryptionpairingsareattempted,awarningmessagewill bedisplayed,andno connectionattemptwill bemadeuntil theincompatibilityis resolved.9 Press the A/V (arrow) buttons to select Security Key, and thenpress the OK button.The Software Keyboard window appears.10 Input the Security Key using the Software Keyboard. For moreinformation, see "Using the software keyboard" on page 121.11 To save your settings, press the GREEN button.NOTE This itemis grayedoutwhenEncryptionis setto None.12 Select Done, and then press the OK button.When Encryption is set to None, a message appears.13 Press the ,_/, (arrow) buttons to select Yes, and then press the OKbutton.