Toshiba 60th Series Manual
Also see for 1550: Service handbookOperator's manualService manualManual
TOSHIBA THE 60 TH SERIES ANALOG COPIERS – THE DISPUTABLE TOSHIBA 1550 COPIERFollowing the Toshiba 1360/70 copier, reviewed in theprevious article, comes the Toshiba 1550 copier. As mentionedin the title, this is a much disputed model – some technicianslove it, others hate it. But nevertheless this is one of the mostcommon copiers in East Europe (in Bulgaria for sure). Thismodel is situated in the upper segment of the lower class copiersand so is designated for small to middle offices and not for copyand print centers. So the problem with this model arises whetusers try to overwork it. In my practice as a service technician Ihave had both good and bad experience with this model.There are users that never had any issues with thecopier, other than the usual maintenance and periodicalreplacements of parts. These users’ monthly copy-volume neverexceeds 5000 to 10 000 copies. The only other issue with suchmachines is the dusty environment they often operate in, whichcauses periodical cleaning to be performed twice as often as thenormal interval of 60 000 copies. So the conclusion is that isusers don’t overwork their machines and provide them withregular maintenance, they will serve them longer, causing lesstrouble to the service technician that maintains them. Even more– given the proper maintenance the consumable replacementparts such as drums, heat rollers etc. can “live” up to twice thecopy count given by the manufacturer. This is the case with thehappy technicians mentioned above.However there are cases when everything that can gowrong with this model does. This is the case with machinesoften overworked and poorly maintained. Such machines oftenoperate in poor conditions (dust, humidity etc.) and are used incopy centers. They age very quickly and the mechanical partswear very quickly too. Given the fact that many of the parts inthe machine are made of plastic (a negative tendency fullydeveloped in later e-Studio models), all this issues are a “recipefor disaster”.The good news is that if one knows the weak points ofthe machine and the most common places to search for wear andclean during periodical maintenance, the copier will workreliably and you will come to like this controversial model. Themost common weak spots and failures of the model will bediscussed in the articles to come. But first let me once moreemphasize the importance of periodical maintenance and thepreventive inspection check – this is the main goal of this article.PERIODICAL MAINTENANCE – USEFUL PRACTICESThe manufacturer recommends the periodicalmaintenance to be performed at 60 000 copies, which is also therecommended service-live of most of the consumable parts inthe copier:Inspection every 60,000 copies(1) Preparation1) Ask the key operator about the present machineconditions and note them down.2) Before starting the maintenance work, make and retain afew sample copies for later comparison.3) Turn off the power switch and disconnect the power cordplug.(2) The period inspection should be conducted in accordancewith the PERIODIC INSPECTION CHECK LIST shownbelow. Perform the inspection by referring to the figures, aswell as to the explanations in the Service Manual of themachine when necessary.(3) After the inspection has been completed, plug in themachine and turn the power switch on, andconfirm the general operation of the machine by making afew copies and comparing them to thosemade previously.Inspection and over-haul every 180,000 copies(1) Replace all the cosumables.(2) Check to see if there is any damage to parts of the drivesection (gear, pulley, timing belt, etc.). Replace parts onprinciple if damaged.(3) Check to see if there is any damage or peeling of adheredparts (tape, Mylar, etc.). Replace any affected parts.(4) Check to see if all the switches and sensors operate properly.Replace them if they are not operating properly.(5) Clean the inside of the machine thoroughly.Symbols used in the Periodic Inspection Check List: |
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