GENERAL ADJUSTMENTSSPECIFIC INFORMATIONS– 18 –TROUBLESHOOTINGOKNGOK OKNG NGOKNGOKNGOKNO SOUND (All source)(A-OUT)P601 #2 (Lch )or #4(Rch) OK?Disconnection of SPK,or the defect of SPKChange the SPK.(A-OUT)P610A #1 (Lch) or #2 (Rch)OK?Made the mode of SPK-ONon a menu screen.Or check Q615.(A-OUT)Q610 #5 (MUTE) is Low (0V)?(MA)H002 #18 (Lch), #16 (Rch) OK?Check the MUTE_AUDIOline.Check the QS102 andperipherals.(MA)P102B #8 (Lch), #9 (Rch) OK? Check the QD05 andperipherals.(MA)P102B #4 (Lch), #5(Rch) OK? Check the QV01 andperipherals.Check the Mute-Circuitor replace the H002.