Top HD picture quality with1080p Full HD2 resolution.Reduces blurringcaused by high-speedvideo and improvespicture clarity withoutimpacting brightness oradding flicker.Dynamic backlightcontrol for deeper blacksand more detail.A sleeker, cleaner look thatreally stands out.Easily connect to high-definition video andamazingly immersivesurround sound in one cable.Easily connect to yourfavorite tunes and photos,create slideshows, or listento your personal playlistswith this feature.40L5200ULED HDTVGet a premierpicture at amatinee priceultrathin LeD with new aero™ DesignEdge LED provides superior picture quality, modern thinbezel design and ultrathin depth. The new Aero™ designadds the stylish silver Aero™ wing to create a TV that looksgreat in any home décor.clearFrame™ 120Hz for clear, Fast motionDoubles the normal frame rate to help eliminate motion blurfor clearer fast-action sports, action movies and more.1080p Full HD for true Home theater QualityFull HD2 provides more pixel resolution than standard HDfor incredible image Dynamic picture modeCreates pictures that seem to pop off the screen! The newDynamic Mode enhances color, sharpness, brightness andcontrast to provide incredible picture audyssey® Sound enhancementA suite of advanced audio technologies that helps produceclear, crisp and natural sound. For the L5200 series thesuite includes:• audyssey Dynamic eQ® technology• audyssey Dynamic Volume® technology• audyssey Bass extensionand, new ported Speaker Design