Blocking programs by ratingsThe Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)uses a rating system to qualify motion picture content.Television broadcasters employ a similar rating systemto qualify the content of television programs. TheMPAA, Youth TV, and TV ratings work with theV-Chip feature to allow you to block access to programsthat exceed the rating limits you set.Note:PressRECALL to see the ratingof the program you are viewing.Not all programsare rated,howeve_ Toblock programs ormoviesthat are not rated,see"Blockingunrated moviesandprograms" on page 23.STEREOTV 6MPAA RatingsX For adults only.NC17 Not intended for anyone 17 or under.R Restricted. Under 17 requires an accompanyingparent or adult guardian.PG13 Parents strongly cautioned. Some material may notbe appropriate for children under 13.PG Parental guidance suggested. Some material maynot be appropriate for children.G General audience. Appropriate for all ages.Youth TV RatingsY7,,Y7FV Directed to older children. Programsrated Y7 aredesigned for children 7 and above. ProgramsratedYTFVcontain fantasy violence that may be moreintense or combative than YT=ratedprograms.Y For all children. Programs rated Y are designed tobe appropriate for all children.TV RatingsMA Mature audience only.This program is specificallydesigned to be viewed by adults and therefore may beunsuitable for children under 17.Dialog Intensely suggestive dialogLanguage Crude or indecent languageSex Explicit sexual activityViolence Graphic violence14 Parents strongly cautioned. This program containssome material that many parents would find unsuitablefor children under ]/4years of age.Dialog Frequent suggestive dialogLanguage Frequent coarse languageSex Intense sexual situationsViolence Intense violencePG Parental guidance suggested. This program containsmaterial that parents may find unsuitable for youngerchildren.Dialog Some suggestive dialogLanguage Occasional coarse languageSex Some sexual situationsViolence Moderate violenceGNo DLSVGeneral audience. Most parents would find thisprogram suitable for all ages.Programswithout any Dialog, Language, Sex, orViolence ratings.To block programs by rating:1. Press MENU.2. Press • or _" to highlight the SET UP menu.3. Press • or • to highlight V-CHIP CONTROL.4. Press • or _, to display the PIN code entering screen.5. Use the CHANNEL NUMBERS (0-9) to enter your four-digitPIN code. After the code is entered, the V-Chip Control menuappears.6. Press • or • to highlight ENABLE BLOCKING.7. Press • or * to highlight "Y," which enables all blocking byactivating the V-Chip. (Note: Highlight "N" to deactivate theV-Chip Control feature and disable blocking.)SET UPI_FII:! III 1] I(lli,'41t_[_ I h .'._=S_T BLO¢_N_ O_ONSNEW P_N COD__LO_K CHaNNeLMOVE[v A] SELECT[4 k]RECALL MUTE POWERRECALL--CHANNELNUMBERS21