10Tuning with channel numbersEnter the SETUP menu by pressingthe blue button.To exit the SETUP menu press theTV/TX button.Use the Program down button toselect PROGRAM NUMBER.Use the Volume up/down ornumeric buttons to select the desiredprogramme number.Use the Program down button toselect STORE. Press theOKbuttonand STORED will appear on theSTORE line.You have now stored the firstchannel.Use the Program up button toselect again CHANNEL and continuethe tuning procedure until youhave tuned in all the programmesyou want or the television canreceive.In the SETUP menu use theProgram up/down buttons toselect FINE TUNING. Use theVolume up and Volume downbuttons to fine tune.When you have finished use theProgram down button to selectSTORE and press the OK button.OKOK7Press OK button when CHANNELrow is blue.Use OK button to select “S” forcable channels and “C” forterrestrial broadcast.Enter the channel number using theNumeric buttons or use theVolume up/down buttons to tunechannels.OKOKFine tuningAlthough the search and Autoprogramwill automatically try and tune to thebest reception, in areas of poor receptiona bit of fine tuning may be required.TV/TXSETUPCHANNELSYSTEMSEARCHFINE TUNEPROGRAM NUMBERAUTO PROGRAMSTORE