After OperationSafety• Never store the machine with fuel in the fuel tank inside abuilding where ignition sources are present, such as hotwater heaters, space heaters, or clothes dryers. Allow theengine to cool before storing in any enclosure.• When storing the machine for more than 30 days, refer toStorage (page 18) for important details.Preventing Freeze-up after Use• Let the engine run for a few minutes to prevent movingparts from freezing. Shut off the engine, wait for allmoving parts to stop, and remove ice and snow from themachine.• Clean off any snow and ice from the base of the chute.• Rotate the discharge chute left and right to free it fromany ice buildup.• With the ignition key in the OFF position, pull therecoil-start handle several times or connect the electricalcord to a power source and the machine and push theelectric start button once to prevent the recoil starterand/or the electric starter from freezing up.• In snowy and cold conditions, some controls and movingparts may freeze. Do not use excessive force whentrying to operate frozen controls. If you have difficultyoperating any control or part, start the engine and let itrun for a few minutes.• Do not use the chute control to attempt to move a frozendischarge chute. Hold down the blue knob and use yourhands to rotate the chute.• Transporting the machine in an open trailer or vehicle cancause the controls or discharge chute to freeze.12