39TroubleshootingPROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSES CORRECTIVE ACTIONEngine will not start, starts hard, orf il t k i1. Fuel tank is empty. 1. Fill fuel tank with gasoline.g , ,fails to keep running. 2. Choke is not ON. 2. Move choke lever to ON.3. Air cleaner is dirty. 3. Clean or replace air cleanerelement.4. Spark plug wire is loose ordisconnected.4. Install wire on spark plug.5. Spark plug is pitted, fouled, orgap is incorrect.5. Install new, correctly gappedspark plug.6. Dirt in fuel filter. 6. Replace fuel filter.7. Dirt, water, or stale fuel is infuel system.8. Battery is dead.7. Contact Authorized ServiceDealer.8. Charge battery.Engine loses power. 1. Engine load is excessive. 1. Reduce ground speed.g p2. Air cleaner is dirty. 2. Clean air cleaner element.3. Oil level in crankcase is low. 3. Add oil to crankcase.4. Cooling fins and air passagesunder engine blower housingare plugged.4. Remove obstruction fromcooling fins and air passages.5. Spark plug is pitted, fouled, orgap is incorrect.5. Install new, correctly gappedspark plug.6. Vent hole in fuel cap isplugged.6. Clean or replace the fuel cap.7. Dirt in fuel filter. 7. Replace fuel filter.8. Dirt, water, or stale fuel is infuel system.8. Contact Authorized ServiceDealer.Engine overheats. 1. Engine load is excessive. 1. Reduce ground speed.g2. Oil level in crankcase is low. 2. Add oil to crankcase.3. Cooling fins and air passagesunder engine blower housingare plugged.3. Remove obstruction fromcooling fins and air passages.Abnormal vibration. 1. Engine mounting bolts areloose.1. Tighten engine mountingbolts.2. Loose engine pulley, idlerpulley, or blade pulley.2. Tighten the appropriatepulley.3. Engine pulley is damaged. 3. Contact Authorized ServiceDealer.