Form No. 3439-987 Rev AMulti Pro® 5800 Turf Sprayer with ExcelaRate®Spray SystemModel No. 41393—Serial No. 400000000 and UpModel No. 41394—Serial No. 402700001 and UpModel No. 41394CA—Serial No. 400000000 and UpSoftware GuideRead this information carefully to learn how to operate and maintain your product properly and to avoid injuryand product damage. You are responsible for operating the product properly and safely.Whenever you need service, genuine Toro parts, or additional information, contact an Authorized Service Dealeror Toro Customer Service and have the model and serial numbers of your product ready.You may contact Toro directly at for product safety and operation training materials, accessoryinformation, help finding a dealer, or to register your product.IntroductionThe Software Guide for the Multi Pro 5800-D and5800-G Turf Sprayer with ExcelaRate Spray Systemprovides information for using sprayer systeminformation and control sprayer system functions.ContentsIntroduction ............................................................... 1Setup ........................................................................ 1Before You Begin Spraying................................. 1Product Overview ..................................................... 2Controls ............................................................. 2Operation .................................................................. 3Before Operation ................................................... 3Accessing the Main Menu Screen....................... 3InfoCenter Main Sub Menus ............................... 4Calibrating the Sprayer..................................... 14During Operation ................................................. 26InfoCenter Spray Area Screens........................ 26InfoCenter Advisories....................................... 28InfoCenter Fault Codes..................................... 29Maintenance ........................................................... 30Service Screens ............................................... 30Diagnostics Screens......................................... 31About Screens.................................................. 32SetupBefore You Begin SprayingPreparing the Machine whenSpraying in the Application RateMode1. Fill the sprayer tank and fresh water tank; referto filling the spray tank and filling the fresh-watertank procedures in the Operator’s Manual.2. Calibrate the sprayer system; refer to Calibratingthe Sprayer (page 14).3. Set the application rate value(s) and activeapplication rate for the sprayer job; refer toSetting the Rate 1 or Rate 2 Value (page 5) andSetting the Active Rate (page 4).4. As needed, configure the following optionalsettings:• Set the boost percentage; refer to Setting theBoost Percentage (page 5).• If you are using the LOW LIMIT INDICATOR,enter the volume of chemical in the sprayertank; refer to Setting the Tank Volume (page6).• Set the low limit indicator and the low limitvolume value for the tank; refer to Setting theLow Limit Indicator (page 6) and Setting theLow Limit Volume Value (page 7).• Set the preset agitation value; refer to Settingthe Preset Agitation Value (Application RateMode Only) (page 7).© 2020—The Toro® Company8111 Lyndale Avenue SouthBloomington, MN 55420Register at Original Instructions (EN)Printed in the USAAll Rights Reserved *3439-987* A