Rev. F28.1Groundsmaster 580--D Page 4 -- Testing“TRACTION PLUS” SHIFT Pressure Test1. Connect a 1,000 psi gauge to the LIFT test port. Con-nect a 5,000 psi gauge to TRACTION FORWARD testport.a. On machines with serial number below250000000, the LIFT and TRACTION FORWARDtest ports are located on the outside of the controlconsole (Fig. 13).b. On machines with serial number above250000000, the LIFT and TRACTION FORWARDtest ports are located underneath the center of themachine (Figs. 14 and 14A).2. Start the engine and adjust throttle so engine speedis 2,500 RPM. Move GROUND SPEED switch to LOWRANGE.3. While watching gauges, engage service brake andslowly push traction pedal in the FORWARD direction.Note pressure at TRACTION FORWARD PORT whenpressure at LIFT port shifts from Counterbalance pres-sure to “Traction Plus” pressure (see Counterbalanceand “Traction Plus” Pressure Tests above).TESTER READING TO BE 2,000 to 2,050 PSI.4. If SHIFT pressure is incorrect, locate “TRACTIONPLUS” shift cartridge on control manifold. Remove capon “TRACTION PLUS” shift cartridge and adjust the car-tridge screw until correct SHIFT pressure is obtained(Fig. 15).1. Counterbalance relief cartridge2. “Traction Plus” relief cartridge (upper)3. “Traction Plus” shift cartridge (lower)Figure 15212