Fundamentals of Reel Mowers 11TORO Service TrainingSet-up and AdjustmentsReel mower performance depends on proper set–up and adjustment procedures. An error of .010 inch or.25 mm, in height end–to–end, or from one cutting unit to another, is visible as a mismatch on many golfcourse greens. Although there are design variations in cutting units, most require the same basicprocedures. A surface plate, accurate height of cut tools and proper instruction are essential for setting upa cutting unit.Factors that affect quality of cut• Tire pressure• Engine governed speed• Reel bearingcondition/adjustment• Reel and bedknifesharpness• Bedknife parallel to reel• Bedknife to reel contact• Bedknife attitude (angle)• Roller(s) parallel to reel• Height of cut (bench setvs. actual)• Correct bedknife• Cutting unit alignmentand ground following• Roller and roller bearingcondition• Reel speed• Traction speed• Cutting unit drop speedand sequence• Cutting unitcounterbalance or downpressure settingThere are many factors that can affect qualityof cut, including condition of the mowingequipment and agronomic factors. Turfconditions such as excessive thatch,“sponginess” or attempting to cut off too muchgrass height may not always be overcome byadjusting the machine. It is important toremember that the lower the height of cut, themore critical these factors are.Remember that the “effective” or actual heightof cut depends on cutting unit weight, cuttingunit accessories and turf conditions. Effectiveheight of cut will be different than the benchset height of cut.Effective height of cut is the actual height thegrass has been cut. Making an accurate heightmeasurement on the turf is difficult due tomany variables. A true base is simply notpresent. If the surface is uneven, spongy orvaries in density, color variations in the turfmay appear in the form of a streak. This is dueto the effective height of cut being too low forthe existing turf conditions. To correctproblems, start or change a cultural practice,change cutting unit configuration or raise thebench set height of cut. The lower your heightof cut, the more predictable and smooth theturf surface must be.To accurately maintain height of cut and performance, routinely check the following components:• Reel Bearings• Bedknife to Reel Adjustment• Attitude Adjustment• Roller Parallelism• Height of Cut