DXi-RADIO-EXP and DXi-RADIO-P-EXPUHF Radio Kit Installation GuideInstallation InstructionsIntroductionThe DXI-RADIO kits allows the Toro DXi irrigation controller to communicate with the Central via UHF radio.This document illustrates how to mount the radio kit in the following DXi base models:• DXI-PWM08• DXI-PWMTW• DXI-SWM08• DXI-SWMTW• DXI-SPED08• DXI-SPEDTW• DXI-SPEDHY08• DXI-PSB08• DXI-PSBTW• DXI-DPSB56• DXI-PPED08• DXI-PPEDTWKit ComponentsRemove screws and cover.1Connect radio COM board tohardwire COM board.2• UHF radio attached to DXi commexpansion board• radio antenna• radio antenna wire• mounting screws• stand-offsCAUTION: DXi serviceable parts shall be installed by qualified personnel familiar with the product and with localelectrical code requirements. DXi serviceable parts shall not be used or installed in product other than DXi ProductSeries. Failure to do so will void product’s safety and FCC certification.If used in product other than DXi Product Series, additional safety and FCC testing shall be considered as part ofthe end product assessment and usability.!CAUTION: Power off the controller prior to installing expansion kits.!