Toro 89-9747 Installation Instructions Manual
IntroductionThe components provided in this kit enable the station output capacity of the Network LTC Plus satellite to be increased beyond32 stations. Installation of the additional distribution PCBA (printed circuit board assembly) enables up to four 8-station outputmodules to be installed, increasing station output capacity to 64.The kit includes the following components:• (1 ea.) Distribution PCBA with 24V detect circuit, P/N 89-9316• (1 ea.) Distribution Board Insulator, P/N 89-9413• (1 ea.) 16-Pin to16-Pin Ribbon Cable Assembly, P/N 89-8692• (1 ea.) 4-Wire Cable Assembly, P/N 89-8696• (3 ea.) # 6 x 1/2" Tap Screws, P/N 363-1355Note: The expansion kit does not include the 8-station output module(s) optional 8-station terminal strip, or optional16-output surge modules required for the connection of additional irrigation control valves. These components must bepurchased separately from a Toro distributor. However, the following instructions provide the installation procedures forthese components since they are generally installed with the distribution PCBA kit.Procedure1. Remove both cabinet doors. Place the satellite power supplyswitch in the Off ( I ) position.Note: The function of the 24V detect PCBA (shown inFigure 1) is now incorporated into the new distributionPCBA. Therefore, the 24V detect PCBA is no longerrequired and should be removed prior to installing thedistribution PCBA included in this kit.The 24V detect PCBA is an optional component and maynot be installed in the satellite. Procedural steps 2 through5 cover the removal of this component. If the satellitedoes not have the 24V detect component, disregard steps2 through 5 and continue at step 6.2. Locate the 24V detect PCBA and remove all of the attachedcables (A, B, C & D).3. Remove the single #6 tap screw used to secure the 24V detectPCBA to the chassis. Carefully lift the 24V detect PCBA upwards,unplugging it from the distribution PCBA socket.4. Plug the ribbon cable connector (B) into socket (BB).Note: The ribbon cable connector (B) is not keyed and canbe installed incorrectly. The blue orientation stripe on the ribboncable must be on the left side (when facing the cable/socket).5. Plug the 2-wire (black and white) connector (D) intosocket (DD).6. Working now on the back of the black plastic chassis, positionthe new distribution PCBA onto the chassis, guiding the PCBAonto the 5 plastic bosses as shown in Figure 2. Secure withtwo #6 screws installed in the center and left side screw holelocations.7. Install the insulator card over the bottom portion of the distributionPCBA. Use the two outside plastic bosses to guide the cardinto position. Secure the card with a #6 screw installed in theright side screw hole location. See Figure 2.Network LTC Plus Satellite, Distribution PCBA Kit, 89-9747Installation InstructionsFigure 1 Orientation Stripe24V Detect PCBAFigure 2InsulatorCard#6 ScrewDistributionPCBA |
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