Storage1. Position the sprayer on a level surface, set theparking brake, stop the pump, stop the engine,and remove the ignition key.2. Clean dirt and grime from the entire machine,including the outside of the engine’s cylinderhead fins and blower housing.Important: You can wash the machinewith mild detergent and water. Do not usehigh pressure water to wash the machine.Pressure washing may damage theelectrical system or wash away necessarygrease at friction points. Avoid excessiveuse of water, especially near the controlpanel, lights, engine, and the battery.3. Clean the spray system; refer to Cleaning,page 59.4. Add a rust inhibiting, non-alcohol based, RVantifreeze solution to the system and run thepump for a few minutes to circulate it throughthe system, then drain the spray system ascompletely as possible.5. Use the boom lift switches to raise the booms.Raise the booms until they have movedcompletely into boom transport cradle formingthe “X” transport position and the boomcylinders are fully retracted. Make sure theboom cylinders are fully retracted to preventactuator rod damage.6. Inspect the brakes; refer to Inspecting theBrakes in Brake Maintenance, page 53.7. Service the air cleaner; refer to Servicing theAir Cleaner in Engine Maintenance, page 45.8. Grease the sprayer; refer to Lubrication,page 42.9. Change the crankcase oil; refer to ServicingEngine Oil in Engine Maintenance, page 45.10. Check the tire pressure; refer to Checking theTire Pressure in Drive System Maintenance,page 51.11. For storage over 30 days, prepare the fuelsystem as follows:A. Add a petroleum basedstabilizer/conditioner to fuel in thetank.Follow mixing instructions from stabilizermanufacturer. (1 oz. per gallon). Do notuse an alcohol based stabilizer (ethanol ormethanol).Note: A fuel stabilizer/conditioner ismost effective when mixed with freshgasoline and used at all times.B. Run the engine to distribute conditionedfuel through the fuel system (5 minutes).C. Stop the engine, allow it to cool, and drainthe fuel tank.D. Restart the engine and run it until it stops.E. Choke the engine.F. Start and run the engine until it will notstart again.G. Dispose of fuel properly. Recycle as perlocal codes.Important: Do not storestabilizer/conditioned gasolineover 90 days12. Remove the spark plugs and check theircondition; refer to Changing Spark Plugs inEngine Maintenance, page 45.13. With the spark plugs removed from the engine,pour two tablespoons of engine oil into thespark plug hole.14. Use the electric starter to crank the engine anddistribute the oil inside the cylinder.15. Install the spark plugs and tighten torecommended torque; refer to Changing SparkPlugs in Engine Maintenance, page 45.Note: Do not install the wire on the sparkplug(s).16. Remove the battery from the chassis,check the electrolyte level, and chargeit fully; refer to Servicing the Battery inElectrical System Maintenance, page 49.Note: Do not connect the battery cables tothe battery posts during storage.Important: The battery must be fullycharged to prevent it from freezing andbeing damaged at temperatures below 32°F(0°C). A fully charged battery maintains itscharge for about 50 days at temperatureslower than 40°F (4°C). If the temperatureswill be above 40°F (4°C), check the waterlevel in the battery and charge it every 30days.61