WARNINGCALIFORNIAProposition 65 WarningThis product contains a chemicalor chemicals known to the State ofCalifornia to cause cancer, birth defects,or reproductive harm.The engine exhaust from this productcontains chemicals known to the State ofCalifornia to cause cancer, birth defects,or other reproductive harm.Use of this product may cause exposureto chemicals known to the State ofCalifornia to cause cancer, birth defects,or other reproductive harm.It is a violation of California Public Resource CodeSection 4442 or 4443 to use or operate the engine onany forest-covered, brush-covered, or grass-coveredland unless the engine is equipped with a sparkarrester, as defined in Section 4442, maintained ineffective working order or the engine is constructed,equipped, and maintained for the prevention of fire.The enclosed engine owner's manual is suppliedfor information regarding the US EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) and the California EmissionControl Regulation of emission systems, maintenance,and warranty. Replacements may be ordered throughthe engine manufacturer.Tire Information—The DOT tire information is locatedon the side of each tire. This information gives loadand speed ratings. Replacement tires should have thesame or better ratings; refer to Specifications (page7) to ensure that the tires on your machine meet orexceed the weight requirements of your machine.IntroductionThis machine is designed to split wood logs cut to asize to fit within the machine splitting wedge opening.It can operate in the horizontal or vertical position. Itis not intended to split rock, metal, or any materialsother than wood. The log splitter can be towed behinda vehicle equipped with an appropriate ball hitch.Read this information carefully to learn how to operateand maintain your product properly and to avoidinjury and product damage. You are responsible foroperating the product properly and safely.You may contact Toro directly at www.Toro.comfor product safety and operation training materials,accessory information, help finding a dealer, or toregister your product.Whenever you need service, genuine Toro parts, oradditional information, contact an Authorized ServiceDealer or Toro Customer Service and have the modeland serial numbers of your product ready. Figure 1identifies the location of the model and serial numberson the product. Write the numbers in the spaceprovided.g206664Figure 11. Model and serial number locationModel No.Serial No.This manual identifies potential hazards and hassafety messages identified by the safety-alert symbol(Figure 2), which signals a hazard that may causeserious injury or death if you do not follow therecommended precautions.g000502Figure 21. Safety-alert symbolThis manual uses 2 words to highlight information.Important calls attention to special mechanicalinformation and Note emphasizes general informationworthy of special attention.ContentsSafety ....................................................................... 3General Safety ................................................... 3Safety and Instructional Decals .......................... 4Product Overview ..................................................... 6Controls ............................................................. 6Engine Controls .............................................. 6© 2017—The Toro® Company8111 Lyndale Avenue SouthBloomington, MN 55420 2Contact us at www.Toro.com.Printed in the USAAll Rights Reserved