TASCAM US-122L2 – Parts of the US-122L7 SIG/OL indicators Light when signalsare being input to the input channels (L,R). They will light green to indicate a sig-nal is present, and will light red immedi-ately before distortion occurs. These indi-cators apply only to the analog inputs.NOTEThese indicators will light green whenthe input signal level is in the range of -30 dBFS to -2 dBFS. The indicators willlight red when the input signal levelexceeds -2 dBFS.8 MIC/LINE-GUITAR select switch Setthis switch as appropriate for the inputsource you have connected to the LINE INjack R channel. Use the GUITAR position ifyou have directly connected an electricguitar or electric bass. Use the MIC/LINEposition if you have connected an electron-ic musical instrument, audio device, or mic.9 PHANTOM switch Turns on the +48Vphantom power supplied to the MIC INjacks.WARNINGMicrophones should not be connectedto or disconnected from the US-122Lwith phantom power switched on.Unbalanced dynamic microphonesshould never be connected to phantom-powered connectors.NOTETurn this switch on only if you are usingcondenser microphones that requirephantom power.Please note that if you are operatingthe unit with a battery-powered laptopcomputer, the battery life of the com-puter will be reduced if the PHANTOMswitch is on.Rear panel0 USB connector Use a USB cable toconnect this to the host computer’s USB2.0 port.A MIDI OUT connector TransmitsMIDI messages.B MIDI IN connector Receives MIDImessages.C LINE OUT L/R jacks (RCA connector,unbalanced) These are analog stereo outputjacks.NOTEIf you connect headphones to thePHONES jack, no signal will be outputfrom the LINE OUT jacks.