8Prototype Mode vs. Traditional ModeThe WOWSound Steam sound decoder comes from the factory set to “Prototype Mode”. This usesBEMF to set the Chuff Volume along with the snifter valves and Rod Clank depending on how hard thelocomotive is working. This can be calibrated to the locomotive in . Acceleration CV 3 is set to adefault value of 32 and Deceleration CV 4 is set to a default value of 96. This simulates the Prototypecharacteristics of a real locomotive meaning it will accelerate slowly with the prototypical loadedsounds. The locomotive will also take a very long time to come to a stop without the use of the “Brake”defaults to button 7 and “Brake Release” defaults to button 6. When you close the throttle the loco willcoast while you hear Rod Clank and/or the Snifter Valves.In “Traditional Throttle Mode” operation the chuff volume will remain constant and atthe level it is set at in the "Chuff Sound type volume" CV or in . When the throttleis closed, the chuff will decrease the snifters will come on (if enabled) snifter valve sounds are canbe enabled in the "Automatic sounds" CV.Calibrated Prototype ModePrototype Steam locomotives only “Chuff” when they are working hard. When they are moving aroundwithout a train or going downhill, they may not chuff at all. You would just hear the rods clanking or thesnifter valves.TCS Calibrated Prototype Mode uses BEMF (Back Electro Motive Force) to make your Steamlocomotive’s chuff sound vary in volume and intensity based on how hard your locomotive is working atthe time just like the prototype. When your locomotive is pulling a heavy train and/or going uphill thechuff will be at or near the full volume (user adjustable). When the locomotive is going downhill, thechuff volume decreases and may even go away until the locomotive hits level track and starts workingagain at which time the chuff volume will increase again.Calibrating Prototype Mode using Audio AssistSince no two locomotives run the same, Calibrated Prototype Mode can be calibrated to yourlocomotives unique operating characteristics by using a simple procedure in Audio Assist. Thiscalibration is a two-step process that lets you set the “BEMF Low Calibration Point” and also set the“BEMF High Calibration Point”.To calibrate your loco for Prototype Operation (Prototype Mode) using Audio Assist do the following:1. Run the locomotive for 3 to 5 minutes to get everything warmed up.2. Press Button 8, 4 times rapidly to enter Audio Assist3. Press Button 3 for motor Control Programming Options4. Press Button 2 to start the calibration process.