Sony dash HID-B7 Quick Start Manual
HOME Screen and ControlsThe HOME screen can show anapp channel, a clock, the weather,a photo viewer, or a music playerdepending on the theme youselected.To Change the ThemePress the MENU/SNOOZE button atthe top of your dash to display thecommand bar, and tap , and thentap the theme you want to display.About the Command BarPress the MENU/SNOOZE button tobring up the command bar. Fromthe command bar, you can operateor set your dash by tapping a menuitem or icon.HintBy pressing the MENU/SNOOZEbutton (and tapping the HOME iconif the command bar is displayed), youcan return to the HOME screen fromany other screen.HintBy pressing the MENU/SNOOZEbutton (and tapping the HOME iconif the command bar is displayed), youcan return to the HOME screen fromany other screen. Command Bar Main MENU Theme Selector App Selector Display Settings Sleep Timer Night Mode Muting On/Off Audio Player HOME Battery Status (HID-B70 only)Set Alarms and ClocksTo Set up AlarmsPress the MENU/SNOOZE buttonto display the command bar, andthen tap MENU - Clock & Weather- Alarms.Once the alarm setting screen isdisplayed, you can set a basic alarm.A basic alarm allows you to set up arepeating alarm. The alarm you setwill repeat every day until you turnoff that alarm.In the event of a power failure thealarm functions will not work until thepower is restored. When you use theHID-B70, the alarm functions will workif there is battery power remaining.HintsThe MENU/SNOOZE button acts asa snooze button when an alarm isactive.By tapping Advanced on the alarmsetting screen, you can set advancedalarms.HintsThe MENU/SNOOZE button acts asa snooze button when an alarm isactive.By tapping Advanced on the alarmsetting screen, you can set advancedalarms.To Set up ClocksPress the MENU/SNOOZE button to display the command bar, and then tapMENU - Clock & Weather - Time/Date.You can set up two clocks for different time zones.Add Apps and Edit ChannelsWhat are Apps?Apps are mini-applications that runon your dash.By adding new apps, you cancustomize your dash.What is a Channel?A channel is a customized playlist ofapps that you can edit/create.You can select a channel to bedisplayed on your dash.Here we explain how to add newapps to your dash and display them.Step1: Selecting the Channelto Add Apps to1 Press the MENU/SNOOZE buttonto display the command bar.2 Tap MENU - Themes & Apps- Edit Channels.3 Tap the channel to which youwant to add apps.HintYou can create a new channel bytapping New.Step2 : Adding Apps to theChannel1 Tap Add Apps.2 Tap the category, and then tapthe app you want to add to thechannel.3 Tap Add.Step3 : Selecting the Channelto be Displayed1 Press the MENU/SNOOZE buttonto display the command bar.2 Tap MENU - Themes & Apps- Change Channels.3 Tap the channel you want todisplay on your dash.4 Tap Set.Now the apps you have added aredisplayed on your dash.HintsYou can also add apps to a channel by tapping on the command bar, selectingthe channel from the dropdown list on the upper-right corner of the screen, andthen tapping Add Apps.To delete apps from a channel, after step 3 of “Step 1: Selecting the Channel to AddApps to,” tap the app you want to delete, and then tap Delete.To customize the title or duration of time the app is to be played, after step 3 of“Step 1: Selecting the Channel to Add Apps to,” tap the desired app, and then tapCustomize.To rearrange the order in which apps appear, go to, andedit the channels from the website.Add Apps and Edit Channels (continued)Information Alarm ClockHID-B70/B7Quick Start Guide |
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